Friday 7 February 2014

The Dilemma of the Modern Woman

Today’s article is written by a single woman - I am currently dating but when you’re filling important documents, there is no check box for dating…you check single, married, divorced or widowed. And I digress… I would like to address an issue that is prevalent in our society today. I call it ‘the modern woman’s dilemma’.

Who is the modern woman? In my opinion, today’s modern woman is independent because she has a job that has instilled in her the confidence and support to take over and look after herself and household at any given time. She now has the option to take care of all aspects in her life most likely with or without the help of her partner. The modern woman has become so independent to the extent that she has forgotten the biological and/or natural roles set by God for each gender.

She is the type of woman that doesn’t let her man be the man. She takes charge of everything and immediately dismisses what the man is doing or trying to do for her. It’s no big secret that we, as women, can do anything and everything for ourselves but just let your spouse be your guide. Let him take the role that was intended for him and support him. As the saying goes, “The man is the head of the household but the woman is the neck.” In any case, the head would not work without the neck.

My advice: learn to live like and be a woman! Let the man be the man. Make it a partnership. The most amazing thing about this…you learn to appreciate each other, and to be honest, you get to relax more. Just try it and watch what happens J

Just sayin’.

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