Monday 3 March 2014

Feeding Your Hair

It's Diva's month!!! Yay I'm so excited and I just can't hide it.  So somewhere in the Bible is a verse that says a woman's hair is her glory. It is therefore only fair that we look after our glory...right? So this is a list of foods that will give your hair a great glow.

1) Your hair needs ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS and unfortunately the body can't make these on it's own. Foods that contain these fatty acids include; flax seeds, fish and avocado.

2) You'll need to increase on the collagen with vitamin c; this surrounds the hair strands and as we age collagen breaks down and the hair gets very weak. To up vitamin c in your body eat more citrus fruits.

3) Improve Keratin by consuming more leafy vegetables. Vitamin E also aids the body in its ability to manufacture Keratin. Foods high in Vitamin E include sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach and olives.

4) Your hair really needs Biotin; Biotin is a vitamin B that promotes hair growth and if there is a Biotin deficiency the hair becomes brittle hair. Boost this with eggs, peanuts, cheese and avocado.

5) Beer!!! Okay, beer in moderation as well as bananas, oats and raisins contain the mineral silica which is thought to improve thickness. Other foods include cucumber, mango and celery.

6) Your hair needs iron. Iron deficiency leads to hair loss and lean red meat is a great source of iron. Other sources include egg yolks, turkey and dried beans.

So start feeding your hair today and look forward to thick and shiny hair.

Follow us for more tips :-D

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