No I didn't slip thats exactly what I am
sharing today. As I was doing some research a couple of days ago it dawned
on me how very little I and many other women know about "down
there". So many women may be shy to ask questions or don't know where
to look for information and important things fly right past! So
let's do some learning about our vaginas!
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2.Vagina vs Urethra: women pee through through the urethra and not the vagina. Because
men pee out of the penis, it's easy to assume that women pee out of the vagina
too. Once you make use of that mirror mentioned above you'll see three
different holes and the urehtra is different from the vagina.
3.Built in Cleaning System: the vagina is a self-cleaning organ; this means you don't need all
those douching products the supermarkets are selling to you. Also do not use
strong soaps as they imbalance the natural ph of the system
and lead to odor and irritation.
4.Vaginal Scent: a healthy and happy vagina should not have an offensive odor. Some
women don't have a scent some do, its usually a mix of natural body scent and
the stuff that we eat and drink. However if it's a pungent smell, something's
up and you should may be eat less spice, herbs and visit a gynocologist.
5. It enlarges when aroused: the vagina is usually 3 to 4 inches long (sounds small). When
aroused it can double in size. It's very elastic as well so all is good, your
well endowed partner will fit just fine!!
6.It has an end: the vagina is not an endless tunnel that ends up in your lungs or
liver; it is actually bounded at the cervix. The common beleif that stuff can
get lost in your vagina is so untrue..a tampon may get lodged deep inside
out of reach but that can easily be removed by your doctor.
7.It’s easier to catch an
STD if you have sex during your period: during your period there is a change in the balance that makes it
easier for for infectious bacteria to multiply.
8.Sex shouldn't hurt: All you should feel during sex is pleasure! If there is pain down
there it's NOT ok and you should see a gynecologist immediately!!
9.Pap-Smear: a pap smear only helps check for cervical cancer
not cancer of the ovaries or of the uterus.
10.Orgasms are better
than asprin: orgasms are like magical,
they help ease head aches, burn calories, releive tension and curb cravings,
basically the more you orgasm the better!
FALSE: there is no such thing as
revirginizing, once you lose it that's it, you can't get it back. So don't
beleive these ads out there or wive's tales about caffeineted soft drinks! You
can however make use of kegel exercises to tighten things
up a bit.
12.You can still acquire an
STD even if you use a condom: disappointing I know!
However may be the habit of sleeping with random guys can stop! Infectious skin
of the scrotum can transfer bacteria to the vuvla (outer genital area) when it
they touch...Be careful!
13. Vaginal Discharge is normal. It should be a clear fluid..if it resembles cottage
cheese or cuddled milk it could be a yeast infection. So be observant and
take note of changes.
14. The Vagina Can Fall out: yes this is possible for the 3-4 inches mentioned above to fall
out. This condition is called vaginal prolapse! Good News it is
15. Vist a gynaecologist regularly: do not wait for wierd colors and funky smells; make regular visits
to the gynae and get over shyness. What is worse a sick vee jay jay or little
talk with the doctor?
That's all for now! We'll definately be updating you with more
things you should know :) Stay Safe!!!!
this is good, great info to have!!!
ReplyDeleteu should do a follow-up with more info relating to the vagina after vaginal child delivery...;-)